Carl Carter Greene



Awards & Achievements - Played at over 40 film festivals world wide, winning 8 awards and gaining 18 nominations

Played at over 40 film festivals world wide, winning 8 awards and gaining 18 nominations

DBHS 16 - BTS - Lead actor Zac Wilson
Photo credit - Nadia Cheechoo

BTS - Lead actor Zac Wilson
Photo credit - Nadia Cheechoo

Dragonfly - Official Poster - Dragonfly - Official Poster
Photo Credit - Michael McKenzie

Dragonfly - Official Poster
Photo Credit - Michael McKenzie


Zac has suffered a traumatic event which has left him feeling lost and isolated from society. The attempts to help by those closest to him are met with little success. Ultimately it is Zac alone who must take drastic measures in order to emerge anew.


Director of Photography

Carl Carter Greene